January 14-15 2021
Man needs color to live. It's just as necessary an element as fire or water.
-Fernand Leger
Join the 7th international Architectural Finishes Research Conference to be held virtually from January 14-15, 2021. The theme Colors and Textures of the world was chosen to represent all cultures that create our AFR community. Our vibrant members include paint analysts, architectural conservators, material scientists, scholars, decorative painters, architects and heritage managers from all over the world.
Architectural Finishes Research (AFR) presentations will cover scientific research, the history of materials, color palettes over time, and historic uses of architectural finishes.
The 7th International Architectural Finished Research Conference follows the legacy of six previous APR conferences: New York (2017) Stockholm (2014), Lincoln, England (2010), New York (2008), Copenhagen (2005), and London (2000).
For more details and to register please go to afr-shimur.vii.events for a full schedule of lectures
and events taking place in our virtual venue
Conference Committee Members
Shay Farkash
Wall painting researcher & conservator
The chair of Icomos Israel's Scientific Committee on Mural Paintings
Prof. Mary Jablonski
President and Founder, Jablonski Building Conservation, Inc. New-York
Columbia University
Jeff Greene
Chairman and Founder of
Evergreene Architectural Arts
Prof. Ilia Rodov
Head of Department of Jewish Art, Bar Ilan University
Prof. Yuval Goren
Department of Bible, Archaeology & Ancient Near East, Ben Gurion University
Tamar Tuchler
Manger of the Department of International Affairs &Tel Aviv Regional Director,
The Council for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in Israel
David Bigeleisen
Wall Painting Conservator, Member of Israel society for the Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Property
Dr. Nirit Shalev-Khalifa
Curator, Manager of the Visual History Exhibition and Documentation Department, Yad Ben Zvi Institute Jerusalem
Mika Tal
Preservation Technology Laboratory Manager, Columbia University
Brooke Young Russell
Architectural Conservator, EverGreene Architectural Arts
Chen Brant
Researcher and Coordinator, of the ‘Israel Wall Art Survey’, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem
Ben Buchenbacher
Wall Painting & Plaster documentation specialist, Tchelet Studio, Lod, Israel
Jessica Zandani
Conference Coordinator
We thank our collaborators, sponsors and colleagues

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