Schedule of Lectures
Day One:
Session one: Historical Use of Architectural Finishes
Keynote Speaker- Helen Hughes-
‘It will be the colour of an apple’ – Problems in envisioning the colours of the past
Andrew Fearon and Liz Trumbull-
“A Prison’s Colored Past: Revealing the Paint History of a Cell at Eastern State Penitentiary”
Anna Kiegseisen-
“The Colors of old Gdansk: Mannerist and Renaissance Polychrome Facades in Gdansk, Poland”
Session Two: Architectural Finishes in Sacred Spaces:
Emily Sottile-
“The Imperial Majesty, the Monks and the Moderns”
Tamar Shadmi-
“Preserving the Sacred Names: Dilemmas of Preserving Synagogue Wall Inscriptions Along Three Centuries”
Anneli Randia and Hikka Hiiop- “Catholic Murals in Protestant Churches in Estonia: To See or Not to See?”
Hee Sook Leeniinioja- “(Un)Finished Architectural Ornamentation Transcends the Glory of the Ephemeral Earth to the Eternal Paradise in Islamic Sacred Spaces”
Session Three: Historic Materials of Architectural Finishes:
Lena Sharabi-
“A Royal Palette? On Colors and Pigments at the Reception Area of Herod’s Theater at Herodium”
Marta Raposo-
“Behind Lisbon Pombalina: Survival and Change of Domestic Finishes and Decoration of Architectural Historic Ensembles
Mary Jablonski-“ Latex Paint: A Mid-Century Modern Coating with Little Respect”
Day Two:
Session one: Techniques of Architectural Finishes Research
Keynote Speaker: Jeff Greene-
“Glowing in the Dark: Black Light Murals and the Quandary of Using UV as a Conservator’s Diagnostic Tool”
Polly Westlake and Ana Maria Logreia-
“Fire Damaged Church: A Discussion About the Conservation and Presentation of it’s Wall Painting”
Vrinda Jariwala-
“Craftsmanship and its Conservation Case Example of Araaish, Rajasthan”
Session Two: Beyond Paint: Alternative Architectural Finishes
Stephanie Hoagland-
“ Signatures and Scribbles: Preservation and Conservation of Graffiti as an Architectural Finish”
Ziye Tang-
“ The Papers in Chinese Pasting”
Phillippa McDonnell-
“ The Peggy, The Cabin Room and the Mysterious Mention of Patent Green"
Session Three: Beyond Paint: Alternative Architectural Finishes
Karen Stone-“
Sgraffito Conservation at the Historic New York City Theaters”
Or Aleksandrowicz-
“ Ornament in Disguise: Cultural Tensions in Exposed Concrete Application in Israel”
Santje Pander-
“The UNESCO Press Room: Conserving Linoleum Surfaces”